*yawn* Still doing quizzes and reading people's diaries. Fiona's livejournal post is quite angry, yet very funny. I will link it here.
Posted by hKath at
2:34 AM ()

Take the Which They Might Be Giants member are you? Quiz!
Posted by hKath at 1:36 AM ()
Friday, January 25
Oh, why not? Everyone else is doing it.
1. What cologne or perfume do you wear? I alternate between something called Celebrate (I'm not sure where I got it but I like it on me) and a body mist called Moon Petal Musk.
2. What cologne or perfume do you like best on the opposite sex? Anything except Old Spice, really. I'm of the opinion that you can't smell too good.
3. What one smell can you not stomach? The smell of BO.
4. What smell do you like that others might consider weird? I like gasoline and manure (mm! country!)
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? I plan on working. Then when I'm not working I will be at the Jeff Buckley tribute concert tomorrow (I can only afford one of the nights, and yesterday was wallet night so tomorrow will be concert night).
Posted by hKath at
11:31 PM ()
Last night was funnier than anything else in a long time. But... I think you had to be there. For the full 45 minutes.
Posted by hKath at
9:43 AM ()
Thursday, January 24
OK, that's it. EVERYONE has to go here and get Trillian. It is yummy.
Posted by hKath at
6:54 PM ()
I'm on hold right now. I'm going to order one of those free Walt Disney World vacation planning videos. Mmmm... Disneyness.
So I was just watching The Hard Way, with Michael J. Fox and James Woods... and I wanted to mention this because I think Angie in particular will find it amusing. Whenever Michael said "son of a bitch" (which happened about every 10 minutes on average), they would replace the line with the badly dubbed "slug in a ditch!"
So the Disney guy just asked me a bunch of questions and is sending me a free video :)
I'm excited.
You know what I like? Parades.
Posted by hKath at
2:50 PM ()
I just got a phone call from Void. They found my wallet. The funny thing? I spoke to Joe. The one they have all the crazy shit written about on the screen in the bar. It was downstairs by the phone booth and had no money in it. I'm not sure if there was any money in it to start with. I think there was about ten bucks in there. No great loss, that's about how much it would have cost me to buy a new wallet. I'm going to wander over there tonight. Maybe I can catch a glimpse of their singer-songwriter night.
Also: my Frumiles cards were in there! And some $25,000 in Falconridge Funny Money.
I really need to start keeping my souvenirs elsewhere.
Mmm. I think brunch today will consist of clam chowder and pizza pops. I'm calling it brunch because until about 2am last night I thought I was working today. So this is an extra speshul day off.
Now playing: Little Shop of Horrors on my TV. This movie is ten times more fun when I'm with Adam.
Not the Adam of my previous entry. Another Adam. The Adam who was supposed to take me to see the Mandy Moore movie last night for free but obviously forgot. Doesn't matter. I had fun at the Frucon meeting, really. And I wanted to keep my phone on in case someone made the call that this entry is about.
I had a maple sugar lollipop the other day and realized that to me, a maple sugar lollipop means only one thing: Mariposa. I bought four or five of them that time I bussed to Mariposa by myself and got there before anyone else. Then I ate them all while walking around the craft booths and trying to avoid the person I knew somewhat (I think she was in my hotel room once for a couple of hours, as Dave's buddy), who I'd run into on the bus and who seemed to think that even though we weren't anywhere near friends, she could spend the entire morning following me around. And that's what she did, because I didn't talk. Why talk? Who would I be talking to? My entire trip to Mariposa was based around an ideal of aloneness. I chatted with the vendors but not with her. I bought raffle tickets to win a quilt, and really meant it when I said I'd bus up to Gravenhurst to pick it up if I won it. I've always wanted a quilt.
Mmmmmmmm.... sweet Mariposa. That maple sugar taste.
*shrug* I really just wanted to be alone, dammit. Was it hard to see? No. I arrived alone, with a big smile on my face, and proceeded to not talk to anyone. Did I look lonely? I don't think so.
Maybe SHE was lonely. But at the time, I was definitely not the person to ask to rectify loneliness. I would have punched her in the neck if she'd said she was lonely.
I never got a minute to myself then. Mariposa was the solution.
Posted by hKath at
12:44 PM ()
Ack! Adam doesn't have a guestbook and all I want to say is how spooky it is that we were both watching Coal Miner's Daughter at the exact same time!
So... I'm having a little trouble adjusting to the Gilmore Girls' new schedule. That is, I think we're now a week and a day behind the americans. Which makes reading the newsgroup a fun chore. This week Jackson had pajamas with pictures of himself on them, in his high school wrestling uniform. I immediately thought of Jordan. Perhaps that wasn't fair of me ;)
Maybe I should have thought of Adam.
Wow, this is like the Adam entry! Kewel.
Unfortunately though, the Adamness ends here because I've just noticed the Harry Potter thread is about to fall off the bottom of the page, and well, I weren't done talking, as it were.
Regarding Malfoy, here's what I think will happen: he will be faced with the possibility of proving his worth with regard to being *evil*, meaning he'll be put in the position to kill someone, by his father or some other dark wizard he looks up to. And something in him will snap because he doesn't want to take it *that* far. He just doesn't.
I know this because Draco knows this.
That last sentence, in a really strange way, reminded me of the three days when MC was here and I had Calvin hair. That was nice. I want Calvin hair again. Even if it did get me called a whatever.
So! More Harry talk?
Posted by hKath at
1:18 AM ()
Wednesday, January 23
Cake - go there. Listen. Enjoy.
Now playing: an intro to Short Skirt, Long Jacket
Can I just say? Today was a day of putting other people's needs before my own. I didn't have to hold it together the way I did after losing all my money and ID. But I did because I had promised to do certain things. I really wanted to lie down and sleep the headache off, but instead I did stuff I was supposed to do.
So do I want to go to a meeting in an hour? No. I kind of want to sleep now. Heh :)
I'm wearing all Winnie the Pooh. I love these pajamas because they're so unlike me, they actually work. They hit the "yeesh" wall and come bouncing back to "almost cool".
I emailed my Patrick Swayze proposal to my prof today after getting home. Hopefully, she won't think it's retarded :) I really haven't written enough of it and should crack down on that bastard sometime soon.
Right before I found out I'd lost my wallet, I was going to go to Indigo to buy a copy of Peter and Wendy, which I need to read for next week. *sigh* I kind of wanted to read that.
Today sucked. BUT.
(haha, yes, today sucked butt)
It's amazing how much difference perspective makes. Some days no ink in my pen can make me cry. Today everything was fine even as the situation got gradually worse and worse and worse.
I hate being a girl.
Posted by hKath at
7:55 PM ()
So... tired... can't... do... duties... must... call... credit... card... companies... ugh.
Posted by hKath at
3:38 PM ()
Well then. On a happy note, I appear to have lost my wallet and therefore can't print out any copies of the Patrick Swayze story for my class which is meeting in ten minutes.
Wonder where it could be. Maybe that old man who was following Fiona and I last night took it somehow because I told him I didn't have any quarters. What a surprise for him when he finds out I really don't have any quarters and am in fact $13,000 in debt. Hahahaha.
I wonder what I'll do.
Have you seen my wallet?
Maybe I left it in class...
Posted by hKath at
11:11 AM ()
I am glad I got a tracker. Hours of entertainment, let me tell you. I had no idea so many people read my site. And some aren't even from North America, although those might just be the people who find my site through porn engines. Cause you know, my site is all porn, all the time.
Last night reminded me of when we decided to pick up and go out at ten-thirty to Jaymz Bee's birthday party. I went to two concerts and got home at twelve-thirty. Freaky. It's a little strange when time doesn't behave the way it's supposed to. Also... I missed Andy like mad. I was so glad to see him again. AND...
Radio Monday is SHIT next to This is Pop. Which was a year ago. A year ago this month.
Lucky I realize when I'm musically blessed, because it doesn't happen as often as you'd think. :)
Posted by hKath at
10:44 AM ()
Tuesday, January 22
Oh dear god. Someone, just now, found my site by searching "sex girl" on a Japanese search engine that appears to be completely porno-based. How... disappointing for them.
Posted by hKath at
2:48 PM ()
How very tiring it is to be one of the hated elite. How very... very... tiring.
I have a whole new set of things to think about now. But I want to start not with my explanation as to how I came to belong to the jewel-rustling ruling elite (fuck you!) but with my self-flattering story which culminated today.
So you know, people, (well most of you do) that I often pride myself on knowing the outcome of narratives before they finish. Sixth Sense? Saw it coming. The Others? TOTALLY saw it coming (how couldn't I? It was a rip-off of the Sixth Sense!). A few times I have been surprised, but generally when people talk about twist endings, chances are there wasn't much of a twist for me. It can get a little disappointing.
There had been clues. I had been suspecting something since about Friday, when the schedule for the store up the street wasn't where it usually is. And then on Saturday, when the landlord came in and had a French guy with them. They gave me a look, and I pretty much knew. I even told some of my cow orkers about my suspicions and they laughed at me. "Nah, he comes in here all the time. He's just doing some renovations."
But still, the idea was there in my head.
So today, I waltzed over to the store right after waking up because I'd forgotten my Harry Potter book there (again). And lo and behold! Men up ladders, tearing the panelling out! Ladders set up to take down the Blockbuster sign!
I slithered inside between ladders and my boss jumped a mile when she saw me, and told me they were closing the store. Now.
No surprise. None. My powers of deduction are no match for you, Blockbuster!
Yes. That was my day, in a nutshell. Me, feeling good about myself. At the time I was paused right in the middle of reading To Room 19 by Doris Lessing (my finger was in the book while I talked to my boss) so I think I was feeling a little dangerous. A little crazy, you know?
Also, I am now one of the most feared and reviled people in all of Hollywood. I mean Fruheadwood. That's right, people. I live in Beverly Hills and the rest of y'all are in Fresno.
That's the impression I'm getting, anyway, from reading what everyone is saying about me and my co-committee members. Oh, sorry. Me and my "clique". Nevermind the fact that I don't speak to half the members except during frucon meetings. Not because of anger or anything, but because we're just not actually friends outside of fruconland.
Word is being spread. I am mean. I like to laugh at people. I like to take advantage of people. In fact, Frucon is only a big elaborate prank to laugh at Lawrence, who has feelings, while I, of course, do not.
Don't mind me while I sit here and just kind of randomly hurt. It's a stinging kind of hurt. There.
It's alright, really, I'll get over it, or used to it, or everyone else will get over it or used to it. But I hate that people are saying bad things about me through no fault of my own. If I was out there actively being mean that would be one thing. But I've never done anything mean to any of these people. In fact I spent a lot of time at last year's Con with Lawrence trying to help him with my crossword puzzle.
Pft. That's gratitude for ya.
Posted by hKath at
2:40 PM ()
So tomorrow there are many things to decide while I stay at home and fondle myself.
Actually, I might not fondle myself. I just thought it sounded funny to start an entry that way.
What I have to decide is who the hell to go see! Do I stay home and watch the Cake by-request internet concert (thank you Yahoo Advertisements!)? Do I walk to Void Lounge (*grumble**grumble*BASTARDS*grumble**grumble*) and catch the Lesters? Or do I head downtown to see Andy?
I think the answer's Andy. Still, it's pretty impressive that I have this many options. Also, I could stay home and watch Scrubs. *weep* I don't want to miss Scrubs. It's a love triangle episode... six people! Doctor Cox! (his evil goodness rocks my world... and reminds me of Snape, come to think of it!)
Which leads me to my question: Who is your favourite Harry Potter character?
I'm partial to Snape myself. I really trust him. Also, Neville. Because I think he's going to do big things. Really, I do. So tell me! Tell me now! I want to talk Harry with you!
Posted by hKath at
1:38 AM ()
Monday, January 21
Now Playing: Weezer, "Island In The Sun". Yes, MC, it's the baby animal song ;)
Erm. I just blew lots of money on groceries. Lots and lots of money.
You know what's really cool? When you do groceries and then you eat until you think you're going to burst... and then you look inside the fridge and realize... there's still all these groceries left! That feels really good :)
I feel the need to do something technical. Perhaps I will get me a tracky device and submit my site to search engines. That could be fun.
I feel the need to design, but I have nothing to design at the moment. And redesigning frucon.org would fall into the category of "pulling an MC" and I think she's got that ground pretty covered... I need to find my own stuff to design. I need to find my own way out of the boredom maze.
I'm currently downloading tons of Weezer songs. The problem is that my computer's sound system for some reason doesn't like a certain range, and well, all of Weezer's songs seem to be in that range. That high guy-range, you know. So I can't hear them right. Lucky for me I have CD-Rs.
Ugh. Too much food. We made sushi again and it worked this time. The trick is that I left the rice to simmer for about an hour, even though instructions usually say ten minutes. Bull crap. Er... maybe I shouldn't have used those words while talking about food. But it is... how can anything evaporate worth shit in ten minutes? As it was, nothing got burned and everything worked out fine.
Ooops, I just realized I'm missing Blast From The Past on Dinner & a Movie tonight. Not that I love the movie, it's just I really enjoy the show in between the movie bits.
Sound sad? It's not! Well, most of the time it's not. You know how there's a fine line between sad and funny? It's right on that line.
o/~ After a couple of months, my whole life would start to look a whole lot like it does now: kinda boring and kinda... funny. o/~
Posted by hKath at
10:05 PM ()
OK, so I'm checking my email and the TV is on in the background and that creepy psychic show Crossing Over is on behind me. And suddenly I hear: "He's telling me to remind you about Dirty Dancing. The movie Dirty Dancing is very important."
And the lady's all like "That's incredible!"
Posted by hKath at
3:05 PM ()
My tummy once again feels like a flock of really fat pigeons is roosting on it. I'm tired but I can't get to sleep. I just know I'm going to miss lecture again tomorrow. It's the easiest class to get to and somehow I never manage to make it. And just when I need to learn about point-of-view, too.
Actually, I don't need to learn shit about point-of-view. I got your point-of-view up the wazoo. What I need to know is how she wants us to categorize our stories so that I can say that my story is written in a first-person pedestal style or a third person omniscient/staged style.
Because right now what I would say is "I chose to write my story in the first person because it makes me feel a certain oneness with the computer programmer/stalker/potential murderer who is the main character."
And the rest of the class quietly moves away from Kath.
Kath just finished watching Rock Star. "So did I," says Kath.
Rock Star wasn't bad, although Jennifer Aniston lost all the Kathpoints she won in Picture Perfect, for being perfectly wooden and just generally Rachel in this movie. But... Marky Mark.
And he really was Marky Mark in this one! The movie is worth renting if only to confirm that Markety Markmark has finally come to terms with his previous rap superstar and underwear model incarnations: his song Good Vibrations plays over the credits in between metal songs.
Sometimes it's almost too easy to forget where all his fame comes from. That's right, he was the Aaron Carter of New Kids On The Block, ladies and gents. Only I think a lot less people dreamed about kicking Marky Mark in the face and genitals simlutaneously than do about Aaron Carter. In the overall population, I mean.
My tummy! Is! Not! Happy!
Posted by hKath at
3:41 AM ()