Epiphany. I just realized that the actor who plays l'homme de verre in Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain used to do voices in Asterix cartoons!!!!! I'm sure of it, but I can't remember who he played. I'm leaning toward Panoramix, but I'm not 100% sure. MC? Help me!
Posted by hKath at
12:11 AM ()
Friday, July 5
I finally found the title of this movie I'd briefly heard about from someone, sometime. I found it by accident, and I am so excited at the cast, especially Jake Gillenhaal and Tim Blake Nelson and John C. Reilly (from The Anniversary Party, he's very Sundance). And well, surprisingly enough, Jennifer Aniston's southern accent is impressive, so I'm psyched.
Check this out: The Good Girl
And if you like that, go see the trailer!!!
Posted by hKath at
12:10 AM ()
Thursday, July 4
I'm afraid to ask... what's happening at Hugh's Room on July 12? I suppose I could just look it up, but that would just absolutely confirm the fact that I have no idea. As it is, let's just say I've momentarily forgotten.
Teehee. I kidnapped Fiona's fan today, and grabbed an Ice Tea and am just finishing The Poisonwood Bible, which I liked better before I was just finishing it, honestly.
Here is what happened to me. On Canada Day, I was planning on doing laundry, watching Treed Murray (a movie written and directed by one of my fave customers from my old store), and then watching Last Night at eleven on Showcase. A nice, sweet, quiet Canada Day with just the right amount of Canadian content, right?
So at five-thirty I get this call from work. It is the store manager and assistant-manager. Where am I, they'd like to know. Ahem, excuse me? Myself and my co-worker Dave both had a nice long look at the schedule last night and we are both certain that I am not working on Canada Day. I hang up the phone, throw a slight tantrum and head there anyway.
Upon further inspection, the store's schedule, which is written very unwisely in pencil, appears to have been altered by someone whose handwriting matches none of the present company. This, sadly, leaves only one suspect. I spend the rest of the day and all of the next day pissed off at her beyond belief because now I don't have any clean underwear.
As an aside, eight hours between shifts on a regular basis... legal or illegal?
Anyway. I spend the entire next day with the store manager, and mention many times that he should write the schedule in ink so that it's not as easy to change without telling anybody, and that he should make it mandatory for both parties to confirm a shift change by initialling the modified schedule. I am seriously pissed, although it doesn't actually occur to me to suggest that he write this girl up, something which in retrospect would not have been unjustified.
I tell him that legally, I was not obligated to rush to the store on my day off because someone committed schedule fraud. I came because I'm nice and wasn't out of town, something which I very well could have been.
He verbally agrees with all of this, the disgusting man that he is, and nods enthusiastically when I say I'm going to give her a talking to when she gets to the store at five o'clock.
When five o'clock rolls around and she strolls through the door, however, she is greeted by him with the words: "Was I supposed to call Kath about switching your Canada Day shift, or were you going to do it?"
He knew about the switch all along and played stupid all day (for this and many other things I wish upon him a brain parasite!). What's worse, he was the one who was supposed to tell me, and he'd seen me two or three times since the apparent switch was made. Not that, you know, it was made in the schedule, because both I and another person checked it the night before, and I wasn't on it.
And that doesn't change the fact that she herself modified the schedule without receiving confirmation from me first.
Anyway, I hate.
I hate. I bitter. I contort. I loathe.
But it's all okay now. Sort of.
Posted by hKath at
2:30 PM ()