Hey, who with a videotron.ca address is reading this site twice a night?
Posted by hKath at
3:38 AM ()
Friday, January 10
Um, I can't help but find this funny. I just checked my sitemeter for the first time in probably a year, and one of the referrals was a search for "What does LBC mean?"
I'm glad I explained it all those years ago ;)
I also got a hit for "aneurism lump arm" which is worrisome. If you are this person, I urge you to go to the doctor. A pulsing blood-bubble lump anywhere is dangerous. On a high-traffic area like your arm, you're in trouble. Have that thing clamped before you spray somebody.
Also, the people searching for "I was peeing" or "What does velociraptor leave?" need to get lives, for different reasons.
For "waiter is trying to pick me up", I caution the quester to put down all cutlery they might be holding and swallow any food before proceeding. You don't want to accidentally stab a potential beau.
"Plans for an ezbake oven" and "construct an ezbake oven" strike me as odd. Wouldn't it cost less just to go buy one? I mean, aren't they like twenty bucks these days? And, who wants to eat half-cooked dough anyway. Wait. I was just doing that tonight. Nevermind.
To the person seeking tips on film bleaching processes used on Don McKellar's film Last Night, I can't really help you, but I'd love to discuss Canadian film with you sometime ;)
And of course, "what kind of underwear does Aaron Carter wear" always scores high on our list of hits.
Hope this advice was helpful! Ta for now!
Posted by hKath at
12:58 AM ()
Thursday, January 9
I am so proud of this poem I wrote today! Usually, my in-class exercises aren't very good, and originally I didn't like this one much either, but it really grew on me, and now I'm all excited about it. The exercise (all fun for the first day back) was to ask someone a question and use the info in the poem. We all got a different question. I had to ask a girl for two items from her purse, and I got lip gloss and the York literary magazine, which I didn't think were very good items at all. I have much more interesting stuff in my purse. Obscure card game, anyone? Two pairs of spare glasses?
But anyway, read it and see :)
Posted by hKath at
7:21 PM ()
I love you guys :)
Posted by hKath at
7:06 PM ()
Wednesday, January 8
abulia \ay-BOO-lee-uh\ (noun)
: abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions.
Posted by hKath at
4:04 PM ()
"What brings me down now is love, cause I can never get enough of love..."
Posted by hKath at
12:13 AM ()
Tuesday, January 7
So, um, anyone looking to move around, say, May?
Posted by hKath at
11:36 PM ()
Monday, January 6
I just redid frucon.org in less than 2 hours, including re-learning how to change the look of the forum and disabling that crazy "karma" feature no one liked. Um. Why do I feel like a caffeine-addled geekoid who never leaves the house? Wait, don't answer that.
Posted by hKath at
3:51 PM ()
Lifted from the lj of a friend from work whose lj I just found :) I dunno... should I list her as a friend or would that be freaky to someone?
[What does your name mean?] It means "she who was named after Katharine Hepburn". ;P
[Birthday?] September 12.
[Zodiac Sign?] virgo, genius. :)
[What are your plans for tonight?] work work work.
[What time is it?] 12:25pm
Who was the last person that...
[Called you?] Someone who didn't speak English, but didn't seem at all perturbed by the fact that I answered in English and prattled on for at least 30 seconds before realizing I didn't understand any of what they were saying.
[Slept in your bed?] me.
[Saw you cry?] my dad, I guess, over the holidays.
[Made you cry?] Every movie *ever*. When I watch them in the morning before I'm really awake I cry at everything. Yesterday it was Starman, believe it or not.
[Spent the night at your house?] AJ!
[You shared a drink with?] my mom. (I just wish I could say "your mom", that would be so much cooler.)
[went to the movies with] Doug Sheppard
[You went to the mall with?] AJ
[Yelled at you?] Probably an irate customer. Yeah, I'm thinking the guy who got angry because our copy of Italian for Beginners was broken. Let's see if I can pull another obscure Danish movie out of my ass for you, loser. IT'S NOT MY FAULT IT'S BROKEN! And then he really exploded when he filled out one of the Ice Age contest ballots and asked where the box to put them in was, and I told him they were mail-in ballots that he was supposed to mail in himself. "You call this a contest?? This is ridiculous! This is a fucking joke!" Um, ok, sir. I'm really proud of this, though. I yelled back "Yes! I call it a contest! I invented the contest, sir! Me!" as he was leaving. Heeheehee.
[Sent you an email?] spam. No one sends me email anymore. Although, the last one I got from a person was probably Anna's generic holiday greeting :D
Have you ever...
[Taken a picture of yourself with a milk mustache and sent it to the milkpeople?] oh dear. Do people do that? No. But, I did audition for a Turtles commercial a long time ago. "Mmmm! I love Turtles!"
[Said "I love you" and not meant it?] Yup. Not gonna do that anymore. It feels crummy.
[Gotten into a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish/etc?] I don't know. Does Basil's fascination with feet count? Because, once he attacked you, it wasn't much of a fight. He just won.
[Been to New York?] no
[Been to Florida?] yes
[California?] no
[Hawaii?] no
[Mexico?] no
[Philippines?] no
[Danced naked?] with someone watching? No.
[Had a dream about something really crazy?] um. Well, nothing about being a fugitive from Narnia, so I guess not as crazy as some ;)
[Stalked someone?] for years! That's why I never go to Jian's show. It would be too obvious ;)
[Had a mud bath?] Yes, involuntary. See: Darien Lake, May 2000.
[Wished you were the opposite sex?] not seriously.
[Had an imaginary friend?] millions. I also used to make my parents call me Sebastian. Don't ask.
[What time is it now?] 12:35pm
Either or...
[Apples or Bananas?] apples.
[Red or Blue?] red
[Wal-Mart or Target?] Target by default! Wal-Mart is evil. It's eviller than you ever imagined, and I'm not kidding. The more I find out about them from their employees, the more I think this can't be true, the more it turns out to be true. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY MORE MONEY.
[Spring or fall?] Spring! mud-luscious, of course!
[Do you have a boy/girlfriend? What is his/her name?] sigh. No. But sometimes, I point at Emily Mortimer and proclaim that she's my girlfriend. I figure each time I do this, we shift one universe closer to the universe where it's actually true ;)
[Santa or Rudolph?] Neither. The Holiday Armadillo is much cooler.
[What time is it now?]12:40
Random Questions...
[What are you going to do after you finish this survey?] I dunno. I should do laundry I guess but I really don't feel like it.
[What was the last meal you ate?] leftover macaroni & cheese. *Homemade* macaroni & cheese.
[High school or college?] university.
[Are you bored?] YES!
[How many of your buddies are online?] 6 are online and 2 are marked away, but none are talking to me and one of them is my mom, so does she qualify as a buddy, or as my mom?
[Last movie you saw?] Big Fat Liar :D
[Last noise you heard?] The ongoing beauteous sound of Cake singing Love You Madly.
[Last birthday party you went to?] Oh my gosh. That would have to be Anna's back in June, but there weren't any party hats or anything, we just went to bars.
[Last time you went out of state?] ahem. Province. And, last week.
[What is your lucky number?] 12
[MY HAIR:] shaggy regrowth from a shaven head. I *heart* my hair. Ask Fiona.
[MY OBSESSION:] Changes daily. Sit coms, movies, setting up voice recog on my computer, I tend to obsess a lot and lose sleep over it.
[MY MOST ATTRACTIVE FEATURE:] Um... I like my hair and my lips.
[MY FAVORITE THING TO DO:] frutrip! oh, damn. Reminisce? Really, my favourite thing to do now is go to concerts. But it's not like it used to be! *whine*
[I'M WEARING:] dark blue jeans, my "Dive a Virgin (Island)" T-shirt and my old green sweater.
[I'M EATING:] Nothing, but... Neeed... Diet.... Coke....
[I'M DRINKING:] See... above....
[I'M LISTENING TO:] Portishead, "Biscuit". It's my Winamp playlist.
[I'M FEELING:] groggy as all hell.
[I'M THINKING:] I don't wanna go to work tonight. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow. I need money. Thank god my hair looks good. ;)
[I SEE:] my cat sitting on my scanner and fidgeting.
[kill?] Not the cat. Everyone else, sure. But not the cat.
[shag?] Yes, please.
[food?] sushi, or spaghetti, or really anything asian, and I had a thing for turkey this year.
[color?] green
[album?] I think it's still The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Damn, that album goes a long way. Favourite newish album: Andy Stochansky's Five Star Motel.
[shoes?] Hush Puppies.
[site?] you're on it (I hope)
[dance?] Of course! Just point me to that crazy green-suited hippie lady from FRFF!
[song?] I'm supposed to have a favourite song? Funny, no one told me. Let's see, what was on my last mix CD? Oh, my God. There's no way I can pick a song. Although I can tell you that lately I'm into poppier stuff and more techno-y stuff, as opposed to like, country. And yet somehow Royal City and Kermit the Frog both ended up on my mix CD. Um.
[vegetable?] onions can do anything. Except, really, not too many.
[fruit?] pomegranate (just to be different. And, because they're awesome). Favourite fruit in a literal context: plums and kiwis, of course ;)
[berry?] is a cherry a berry? because, I always thought it was, but now I'm realizing that it grows on a tree. Um... blackberries then.
[touched?] Fiona, I guess.
[talked to?] that Chinese chick that called my phone by accident.
[hugged] my parents, in no particular order.
[instant messaged?] Jill!
[kissed?] again, parents. Before that, I dunno. When was the last time I was drunk?
[had a crush on?] Emily Mortimer.
[who broke your heart?] I'm not admitting heartbreak. Go to hell, all of you. Especially... you.
[eat?] usually in front of the tv. We have a table, but we don't use it because the corner it's in is too dark.
[dance?] concerts!
[cry?] lately? Anywhere.
[wish you were?] Somewhere Donna is! But, maybe not specifically Cleveland ;)
[what time is it now?] 1:02pm
Posted by hKath at
1:04 PM ()