Billboard Dad, 1998. 30AA.
Passport To Paris, 1999. 30AA.
Switching Goals, 2000. 30AA.
Our Lips Are Sealed, 2001. 30B.
Holiday In The Sun, 2001. 32B.
Winning London, 2001. 32B.
Getting There, 2002. 32C.
This is the selected filmography of the Olsen twins’ breasts.
Our Lips Are Sealed is of particular interest to me
As their first noticeable on-screen appearance.
The cover photo shows only three
perfect milky mounds
The fourth obscured behind a jutting shoulder.
Right breast presses softly against right breast
New appendages encountering a lack of familiar spaces.
Single left breast orphaned and confused
A knob with no door
itching with lack of purpose.
Missing left breast hides itself in vain.
Each one a divine knot of throbbing teenage denial
That blossoms just as somewhere
something else is dying.
The camera records it all.
(November 21, 2002)